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Blender texture paint erase

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    Sparrow Hawk

If you're using Blender to create 3D models and textures, you may find yourself needing to erase textures from your models from time to time. Luckily, Blender makes it easy to do just that with the Texture Paint Erase tool.

To use the Texture Paint Erase tool, simply select it from the Toolbox in the Texture Paint mode. Then, click and drag on the model's surface to erase the texture. You can also use the hotkey Shift+E to quickly activate the tool.

The Texture Paint Erase tool is a great way to clean up your textures and get rid of unwanted paint strokes. Give it a try the next time you're working in Blender's Texture Paint mode.

Q: How do you erase in texture paint blender?

A: There is no built in eraser for texture painting in Blender, but you can use the clone brush to paint over areas you want to erase.

Q: Where is the eraser in texture paint blender?

A: The eraser is located in the Tools panel, under the Sculpt tab.

Q: Where is erase brush in blender?

A: The Erase Brush is located in the Tool Shelf, under the Sculpt tab.

Q: Why did my textures disappear in blender?

A: This can happen for a few reasons. One possibility is that your textures are not properly mapped to your model. In this case, you'll need to adjust your texture coordinates. Another possibility is that your textures are not assigned to the correct material.