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Blender indirect lighting
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- Sparrow Hawk
Indirect lighting is a term used in computer graphics to describe light that indirectly illuminates other surfaces in the scene. This can be accomplished by using a light source that emits light in all directions, such as a point light or an area light, or by using a directional light with a large light source radius.
Indirect lighting is important for creating realistic lighting effects in computer graphics. It can be used to simulate global illumination, which is the process of light bouncing off of surfaces and illuminating other surfaces in the scene. Global illumination is a difficult lighting effect to simulate, and indirect lighting is one way to approximate it.
Indirect lighting can also be used to create more subtle lighting effects, such as soft shadows and area light falloff.
Indirect lighting is an important part of the lighting equation in computer graphics, and can be used to create realistic and subtle lighting effects.
Related questions:
Q: How do I turn on indirect lighting in Blender?
A: There are multiple ways to turn on indirect lighting in Blender.
One way is to go to the Lighting tab in the Render settings (F10) and check the box next to Indirect Lighting.
Another way is to go to the World settings (F10) and check the box next to Gather.
Or, in the Render settings (F10), you can go to the Indirect Lighting tab and check the box next to Save Extra Pass.
Q: What is indirect lighting in Blender?
A: Indirect lighting is the process of using light sources that are not directly visible to the camera to produce lighting effects in a scene. This can be done by using light-emitting objects that are not in the direct line of sight of the camera, or by using reflective surfaces to bounce light around the scene. Indirect lighting can produce very subtle lighting effects, and can be used to create a more realistic and naturalistic look for a scene.
Q: Is Blender illumination Global?
A: Yes, Blender's illumination is global.
Q: How do you add directional lights in Blender?
A: In the top bar, go to Add > Lamp > Spot. In the Add Spot Lamp dialog box, set the following options:
Location: Set the location of the light in the 3D View. Target: Set the target point of the light. Energy: Set the light intensity.
Click OK.