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Force alternate frame rendering 1 or 2

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    Rodney Zamora
  1. Frame rendering is the process of drawing the individual images, or frames, that make up a video.

  2. Each frame must be drawn before the next one can be displayed.

  3. This can be a time-consuming process, especially if the video is complex or has a lot of motion.

  4. Some video cards are able to render frames in an alternate framebuffer.

  5. This can speed up the process by allowing the card to start working on the next frame while the current frame is being displayed.

  6. Alternate frame rendering can be enabled in the video card's control panel.

  7. It is usually disabled by default.

  8. Enabling it may improve the video card's performance, but it may also introduce artifacts or other problems.

Q: How do I force alternate frame rendering?

A: 1. Right-click the desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel

  1. Select Manage 3D Settings

  2. Select the Program Settings tab

  3. Click Add and select the game from the list

  4. In the "Select the preferred graphics processor for this program" dropdown, select the High-performance NVIDIA processor

  5. Click Add

  6. Click Apply

Q: What is the best SLI rendering mode?

A: There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific application or game you are using. Some applications or games may perform better with one SLI rendering mode over another, so it is best to experiment with different SLI rendering modes to see which one works best for you.

Q: Does Unreal use SLI?

A: Yes, Unreal does support SLI.