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Blender ambient light

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    Sparrow Hawk

If you're like most people, you probably think of light as something that comes from a light bulb. But there's another type of light that's all around us, and it's called ambient light.

Ambient light is the light that surrounds us and comes from all around us. It's the light that comes from the sun, from the sky, from reflections off of surfaces, and from other sources.

While ambient light is often thought of as being relatively dim, it can actually be quite bright. When you're outside on a sunny day, the ambient light can be so bright that it's hard to see.

Ambient light can also be used to create special effects in photography and film. For example, if you want to create a scene that looks like it's taking place at night, you can use a special filter to block out the ambient light and make the scene look darker.

So, the next time you're looking at a scene in a photograph or film, take a moment to think about the ambient light that may be playing a role in the way it looks.

Q: How do I add an environment light in Blender?

A: There are a few ways to add an environment light in Blender. One way is to add a Sun lamp. To do this, go to Add > Lamp > Sun. Another way is to add an Hemi lamp. To do this, go to Add > Lamp > Hemi.

Q: How do I turn on AO in Blender?

A: There are a few ways to turn on AO in Blender:

  1. In the Render tab of the Properties window, under the "World" section, check the "Ambient Occlusion" box.

  2. In the Material tab of the Properties window, under the "Surface" section, check the "Ambient Occlusion" box.

  3. In the World tab of the Properties window, under the "Ambient Occlusion" section, check the "Enable Ambient Occlusion" box.

Q: How do I turn on global illumination in Blender?

A: There are two ways to turn on Global Illumination in Blender.

  1. Go to the World settings and check the box for "Indirect Lighting".
  2. In the Render settings, under the "Integrator" tab, check the "Use Global Illumination" box.

Q: How do you create ambient light?

A: There are many ways to create ambient light. Some common methods include using lamps, candles, fireplaces, and even sunlight.